miRNA gene miRNA_log2FC miRNA_pvalue gene_log2FC gene_pvalue interactions correlation_beta correlation_pvalue PMID evidence outcome cancer hsa-miR-142-3p SIRT1 2.75247908790621 1.45636065474764e-12 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 miRanda -0.100864216180242 1.26658359191806e-07 NA NA NA hsa-miR-146b-5p SIRT1 1.75587235896724 1.15724631266659e-07 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 miRanda -0.132861256035309 4.40038624136022e-09 NA NA NA hsa-miR-181a-5p SIRT1 2.29556023480783 1.8138457900616e-21 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 miRNAWalker2_validate;miRTarBase;MirTarget;miRNATAP -0.188768205630417 3.27568076921745e-10 NA NA NA hsa-miR-181b-5p SIRT1 2.49307679431293 3.92829250217627e-20 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 miRNAWalker2_validate;miRTarBase;MirTarget;miRNATAP -0.148172284406124 3.5980639148762e-08 NA NA NA hsa-miR-186-5p SIRT1 1.47445398888668 3.0781726595413e-15 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 mirMAP;miRNATAP -0.113677276351141 0.00489506270273038 NA NA NA hsa-miR-199a-5p SIRT1 0.592984035153911 0.0674836634175293 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 miRNAWalker2_validate;MirTarget;PITA;miRanda;miRNATAP -0.117769444813795 6.04578094554685e-07 NA NA NA hsa-miR-199b-5p SIRT1 0.218704279044827 0.519493319158441 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 MirTarget;PITA;miRanda;miRNATAP -0.111415947736056 8.03520052459405e-07 27145368 Downregulation of miR 199b is associated with distant metastasis in colorectal cancer via activation of SIRT1 and inhibition of CREB/KISS1 signaling; Further dual-luciferase reporter gene assays revealed that SIRT1 was the direct target of miR-199b in CRC; The expression of miR-199b was inversely correlated with SIRT1 in CRC specimens; SIRT1 knockdown produced effects on biological behavior that were similar to those of miR-199b overexpression metastasis colorectal cancer hsa-miR-22-3p SIRT1 1.21545661147757 1.61670170137775e-13 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 MirTarget;miRNATAP -0.290987733986157 1.42278168120099e-10 26499759 MicroRNA 22 functions as a tumor suppressor by targeting SIRT1 in renal cell carcinoma; In addition SIRT1 was identified as a direct target of miR-22 by a luciferase reporter assay; These findings showed that miR-22 functioned as tumor suppressor in RCC and blocked RCC growth and metastasis by directly targeting SIRT1 in RCC indicating a potential novel therapeutic role in RCC treatment metastasis kidney renal cell cancer hsa-miR-2355-5p SIRT1 1.32510310704724 8.25139516692683e-07 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 MirTarget -0.127052197413301 7.01215000664781e-06 NA NA NA hsa-miR-29b-3p SIRT1 1.65828197923813 1.02676780888141e-09 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 MirTarget -0.164303019240107 2.35982257108013e-09 NA NA NA hsa-miR-342-3p SIRT1 1.49115144672245 1.43879249744621e-07 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 PITA;miRanda -0.112957836768538 2.45949293139167e-05 NA NA NA hsa-miR-34a-5p SIRT1 1.9016323452565 1.43092834643601e-14 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 miRNAWalker2_validate;miRTarBase;miRNATAP -0.117141124440484 0.000108824317675673 25982144;21067862;20687223;22623155;23954321;26722316;25826085;27126903;26518892;18834855 5 Aminolevulinic acid mediated sonodynamic therapy induces anti tumor effects in malignant melanoma via p53 miR 34a Sirt1 axis; Therefore the p53 miR-34a and SIRT1 constituted a positive feedback loop;Sirt1 which is one of the target genes for miR-34a and related to drug-resistance was strikingly up-regulated in the 5-FU-resistant cells; The ectopic expression of miR-34a in the 5-FU-resistant cells inhibited growth as in the parental cells and attenuated the resistance to 5-FU through the down-regulation of Sirt1 and E2F3; These findings suggest that miR-34a targeting the Sirt1 and E2F3 genes could negatively regulate at least in part the resistance to 5-FU in human colorectal cancer DLD-1 cells;We aimed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying paclitaxel resistance of hormone-refractory prostate cancer with a special focus on the roles of miR-34a and SIRT1; MiR-34a over-expression and SIRT1 knockdown attenuated paclitaxel resistance of PC3PR cells; Thus in PC3PR cells reduced expression of miR-34a confers paclitaxel resistance via up-regulating SIRT1 and Bcl2 expression; MiR-34a and its downstream targets SIRT1 and Bcl2 play important roles in the development of paclitaxel resistance all of which can be useful biomarkers and promising therapeutic targets for the drug resistance in hormone-refractory prostate cancer;MiR 34a inhibits proliferation and migration of breast cancer through down regulation of Bcl 2 and SIRT1; In this study we aimed to determine the effect of miR-34a on the growth of breast cancer and to investigate whether its effect is achieved by targeting Bcl-2 and SIRT1; Bcl-2 and SIRT1 as the targets of miR-34a were found to be in reverse correlation with ectopic expression of miR-34a;Interestingly RES increased the intracellular expression level of miR-34a which down-regulated the target gene E2F3 and its downstream Sirt1 resulting in growth inhibition;miR 34a inhibits cell proliferation in prostate cancer by downregulation of SIRT1 expression; The role of miR-34a in regulating sirtuin 1 SIRT1 in prostate cancer remains unclear; The objective of the present study was to investigate the biological function and molecular mechanisms of miR-34a regulation of SIRT1 in human prostate cancer samples and the human prostate cancer cell line PC-3; Fresh prostate tissues were obtained from patients and the miR-34a expression in prostate cancer tissues was measured using reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction RT-qPCR qPCR and western blotting were performed to assess the effects of miR-34a overexpression on SIRT1 regulation in PC-3 cells and the cell growth was assessed by Cell Counting Kit-8 CCK-8; SIRT1 expression levels in PC-3 cells with over-expression of miR-34a were significantly reduced compared with those in the negative control P<0.05; In conclusion miR-34a inhibits the human prostate cancer cell proliferation in part through the downregulation of SIRT1 expression;Dysregulation of the miR 34a SIRT1 axis inhibits breast cancer stemness; Sirtuin-1 SIRT1 is a direct target of miR-34a; Here we found low levels of miR-34a and high levels of SIRT1 in CD44+/CD24- breast cancer stem cells BCSCs; MiR-34a overexpression and knockdown of SIRT1 decreased proportion of BSCSs and mammosphere formation; In nude mice xenografts stable expression of miR-34a and silencing of SIRT1 reduced tumor burden; Taken together our results demonstrated that miR-34a inhibits proliferative potential of BCSCs in vitro and in vivo at least partially by downregulating SIRT1;In addition the present micellar system facilitated the escape of miR-34a from the endosome and release of DOX into the cell nucleus leading to the downregulation of silent information regulator 1 SIRT1 expression and inhibition of DU145 and PC3 androgen-independent prostate cancer cell proliferation;For example overexpressing miR-34a a master regulator of tumor suppression attenuates chemoresistance to 5-FU by downregulating silent information regulator 1 SIRT1 and E2F3;In PC3 cell ectopic expression of miR-34a decreased the SIRT1 mRNA and protein levels as well as protein levels of known direct target genes; Reporter assays revealed that miR-34a-induced SIRT1 inhibition occurred at the transcriptional but not post-transcriptional level despite the presence of a potential miR-34a binding site within its 3'-UTR malignant trasformation;drug resistance;drug resistance;;;;;;drug resistance; melanoma;colon cancer;prostate cancer;breast cancer;colon cancer;prostate cancer;breast cancer;prostate cancer;colorectal cancer;prostate cancer hsa-miR-576-5p SIRT1 2.20467023993664 3.4053475193793e-19 -1.03742756823581 3.19867751848926e-11 mirMAP -0.126829992515436 2.32015706192933e-05 NA NA NA