
1. Information for Chromatin Regulators (CRs)
1.1 Basic information
Users can get basic infomation of CRs, including gene symbol, name, location and several links to public database. Additionally, protein domain and function as well as GO and pathways are also included in this page.

1.2 Variant
Users can scan the mutation landscape of CRs in pan-cancer level or specific cancer for primary tumor tissue and cancer cell line. For the single primary tumor, we also explore the effect of mutation on expression and activity using an excellent package VIPER developed last year. In addition, we also collected mutation data from COSMIC database and publications.

1.3 PTM
Users can check the post-translation modification site of CRs and whether they are affected by mutation through clicking the two buttons above table.

1.4 RNA expression
Users can check RNA expression level of CRs in normal and tumor tissue as well as cancer cell lines. Differential expression analysis are conducted for all cancers with more than 10 normal samples. The column of status show whether current CR is differentially expressed. The cutoff of logFC and adj. p value are 0.58 and 0.05, respectively.

1.5 SCNA
Users can explore the correlation between somatic copy number change and expression level. The columns of Loss, Neutral and Gain shows the percentage of patients with -1/2, 0 and +1/2 copy number threshold based on GISTIC output. The status of CR is decided by two steps: (1) There exists strong correlation (r > 0.3 and p value < 0.05) between mRNA levels and SCNA; (2) the percentage of Loss or Gain is greater than 33%. Click "+" to see more details.

1.6 Methylation
Users can explore the correlation between methylation and expression level. The column of delta beta value and p value (t test) shows the difference of methylation level between tumor and normal samples. The status of CR is decided by two steps: (1) There exists strong correlation (r < -0.3 and p value < 0.05) between mRNA levels and methylation; (2) The absolute value of delta beta value is greater than 0.2 and t test p value less than 0.05.

1.7 Proteomics
This part shows proteomics data for primary tumor tissue from TCGA and normal tissue from HPA.

1.8 Clinical
We have correlated RNA expression level of CRs with clinical data (subtype, survival, stage and grade) in pancancer level. Click the "+" sign to check the visualization of analysis results.

1.9 Targets
The putative targets of CRs are inferred by two strategies, mutual information based reverse engineering method and ChIP-Sequencing data analysis. Users can predict targets from different dataset through the top box.

1.10 Drug
In this part, users can get drugs targeting the current CR as well as all targets of these drugs.

1.11 Interaction
Users can explore three kinds of CR related interactions: (1) protein-protein interactions; (2) miRNA-CR regulatory relations; (3) text mining based interactions. In PPI network, mouseover on the node would show the mutation rate in selected cancer and edge color represent whether mutation of two genes is co-occurrence (blue) or mutual exclusive (red). In miRNA regulatory network, the edge means that the miRNA can target the CR by prediction of different sequence based method. The edge size represents the frequence of cancer types in which there exist negative correlation between miRNA and CR. Lastly, we also extracted relations refering by CR in cancer initiation and progression from literatures.

2. Browse database
2.1 Browse all CRs by cancer type

2.2 Browse all CRs by function

2.3 Browse all CRs by mutation rate

2.4 Browse all CRs by differential expression

2.5 Browse all CRs by ChIP Seq data

2.6 Browse all CRs by Drugs

3. Search database
3.1 Simple search: users can search CR based on basic terms such as gene symbol, ensembl ID and so on.

3.2 Batch search: users can search a list of CRs and related items

3.3 Cancer type search: Users can search cancer from different sources.

3.4 Advanced search: Users can search gene and cancer at the same time.

4. Statistics